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IWelcome to Schools to Space.  This website is sponsored by SpaceTEC and is dedicated to K-12 students that are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM.

On this site we will explore our Solar System, the Universe, Rocket Science, and all things related to Aerospace.  It is our hope that we will inspire you to “reach for the stars” as you complete your education.

Space gives us the chance to see almost any place on Earth and to understand the changes that are important to our world. Conservation and environmental studies are key uses of satellite Earch observations.

The planets and sun make up our Solar System and provide us with energy that helps sustain life.  They also make us want to visit them in space ships that will carry us to distant places soon!

The Milky Way is huge - requiring us to think in new ways about humanity, our own Solar System, and how we fit into the great cosmos beyond.  

The moon is a great place to start our dream of living and working beyond Earth.  We first landed on the moon in 1969 and have six sites there with power and equipment just waiting for our return!

Mars is our closest neighboring planet and one where we have three "rovers" searching for signs of life and helping us to prepare for longer voyages to very distant places.  We hope to colonize Mars before too long.

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